Friday, 25 December 2009


Metode Ilmiah

Pengetahuan dapat diperoleh karena manusia adalah mahluk yang mulia dari mahluk yang lain di dunia ini, manusia bisa berpikir, merasa dan mengindera. Selain itu Pengetahuan juga diperoleh melalui Intuisi dan Wahyu yang disampaikan Tuhan melalui utusannya kepada manusia.

Disini terdapat berbagai macam pengetahuan berserta sumber diantaranya:

1. Pengetahuan yang bersumber dari pikiran

2. Pengetahuan yang bersumber dari perasaan

3. Pengetahuan yang bersumber dari indera

4. Pengetahuan yang bersumber dari intuisi

5. Pengetahuan yang bersumber dari wahyu

Untuk memperoleh pengetahuan ada beberapa cara antara lain:


Rasionalisme adalah bagaimana cara kita untuk memperoleh pengetahuan melalui dengan cara berpikir secara rasional. Adapun efek negatif memperoleh pengetahuan dengan berpikir rasionalisme ini dapat menyebabkan manusia itu jatuh pada Solipsisme ( pengetahuan yang benar menurut anggapan kita masing-masing).


Selain rasionalisme untuk memperoleh pengetahuan kita dapat juga dengan Empirisme, cara mendapatkan pengetahuan ini berdasarkan pengalaman apa yang telah kita lakukan sehari-hari, telah kita ketahui logika saja tidak cukup untuk mendapatkan kebenaran akan tetapi pengalaman merupakan sumber kebenaran yang sebenarnya.

Ilmu adalah Sekelompok pengetahuan yang memiliki ciri-ciri pembeda tertentu. Menurut pendapat Andi Hakim Nasution ( 1988), Ilmu adalah kumpulan pengetahuan yang dikumpulkan manusia melalui penggunaan akalnya dan disusun dalam suatu bentuk yang berpola.

Dalam kategori ini, ILMU merupakan gabungan dari sumber pikiran (rasio) dan indera. Untuk mengetahui sesuatu pengetahuan merupakan ilmu atau tidak hendaknya harus dikaji terlebih dahulu. Sebelumnya haruslah mengetahui apa itu ilmu berserta karakteristiknya, yang pertama harus kita kaji adalah:

1. Etika berasal dari kata etik (atau etika) berasal dari kata ethos (bahasa Yunani) yang berarti karakter, watak kesusilaan atau adat. Sebagai suatu subyek, etika akan berkaitan dengan konsep yang dimiliki oleh individu ataupun kelompok orang untuk menilai apakah tindakan-tindakan yang telah dikerjakannya itu atau pun pengetahuan yang di peroleh salah atau benar, buruk atau baik. Menurut Martin (1993), etika didefinisikan sebagai "the discipline which can act as the performance index or reference for our control system".

2. Estetika secara sederhana dapat diartikan ilmu yang membahas tentang keindahan, bagaimana suatu pengetahuan bisa terbentuk, dan bagaimana seseorang bisa merasakannya.

3. Logika merupakan sebuah ilmu pengetahuan dimana obyek materialnya adalah berpikir (khususnya penalaran/proses penalaran) dan obyek formal logika adalah berpikir/penalaran yang ditinjau dari segi ketepatannya untuk mengetahui mana yang benar dan yang salah.

Dalam kegiatan keilmuan, aturan berpikir dipatuhi dengan penuh kedisiplinan, sehingga ilmu lebih dikenal sebagai disiplin pengetahuan yang relatif lebih teratur dan terorganisasi.

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Sunday, 13 December 2009

Langkah-langkah pembuatan bioetanol berbahan dari singkong yang berkapasitas 10 liter per hari.

1. Kupas 125 kg singkong segar, semua jenis dapal dimanfaatkan. Bersihkan dan cacah berukuran kecil-kecil.

2. Keringkan singkong yang telah dicacah hingga kadar air maksimal 16%. Persis singkong yang dikeringkan menjadi gaplek. Tujuannya agar lebih awet sehingga produsen dapat menyimpan sebagai cadangan bahan baku

3.Masukkan 25 kg gaplek ke dalam tangki stainless si eel berkapasitas 120 liter, lalu tambahkan air hingga mencapai volume 100 liter. Panaskan gaplek hingga 100"C selama 0,5 jam. Aduk rebusan gaplek sampai menjadi bubur dan mengental.

4. Dinginkan bubur gaplek, lalu masukkan ke dalam langki sakarifikasi. Sakarifikasi adalah proses penguraian pati menjadi glukosa. Setelah dingin, masukkan cendawan Aspergillus yang akan memecah pati menjadi glukosa. Untuk menguraikan 100 liter bubur pati singkong. perlu 10 liter larutan cendawan Aspergillus atau 10% dari total bubur. Konsentrasi cendawan mencapai 100-juta sel/ml. Sebclum digunakan, Aspergilhis dikuhurkan pada bubur gaplek yang telah dimasak tadi agar adaptif dengan sifat kimia bubur gaplek. Cendawan berkembang biak dan bekerja mengurai pati

5.Dua jam kemudian, bubur gaplek berubah menjadi 2 lapisan: air dan endapan gula. Aduk kembali pati yang sudah menjadi gula itu, lalu masukkan ke dalam tangki fermentasi. Namun, sebelum difermentasi pastikan kadar gula larutan pati maksimal 17—18%. Itu adalah kadar gula maksimum yang disukai bakteri Saccharomyces unluk hidup dan bekerja mengurai gula menjadi alkohol. Jika kadar gula lebth tinggi, tambahkan air hingga mencapai kadar yang diinginkan. Bila sebaliknya, tambahkan larutan gula pasir agar mencapai kadar gula maksimum.

6 Tutup rapat tangki fermentasi untuk mencegah kontaminasi dan Saccharomyces bekerja mengurai glukosa lebih optimal. Fermentasi berlangsung anaerob alias tidak membutuhkan oksigen. Agar fermentasi optimal, jaga suhu pada 28—32"C dan pH 4,5—5,5.

7. Setelah 2—3 hari, larutan pati berubah menjadi 3 lapisan. Lapisan terbawah berupa endapan protein. Di atasnya air, dan etanol. Hasil fermentasi itu disebut bir yang mengandung 6—12% etanol

8.Sedot larutan etanol dengan selang plastik melalui kertas saring berukuran 1 mikron untuk menyaring endapan protein.

9. Meski telah disaring, etanol masih bercampurair. Untuk memisahkannya, lakukan destilasi atau penyulingan. Panaskan campuran air dan etanol pada suhu 78"C atau setara titik didih etanol. Pada suhu itu etanol lebih dulu menguap ketimbang air yang bertitik didih 100°C. Uap etanol dialirkan melalui pipa yang terendam air sehingga terkondensasi dan kembali menjadi etanol cair.

10. Hasil penyulingan berupa 95% etanol dan tidak dapat larut dalam bensin. Agar larul, diperlukan etanol berkadar 99% atau disebut etanol kering. Oleh sebab itu, perlu destilasi absorbent. Etanol 95% itu dipanaskan 100"C. Pada suhu ilu, etanol dan air menguap. Uap keduanya kemudian dilewatkan ke dalam pipa yang dindingnya berlapis zeolit atau pati. Zeolit akan menyerap kadar air tersisa hingga diperoleh etanol 99% yang siap dieampur denganbensin. Sepuluh liter etanol 99%, membutuhkan 120— 130 lifer bir yang dihasilkan dari 25 kg gaplek

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Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Manfaatkan Waktu Sebaik-baiknya.

Sebagian dari kita masih sering mensia-siakan waktu yang kita miliki semasa hidup di dunia ini, dengan melakukan hal-hal yang tidak bermanfaat. Mungkin sebagian dari kita ada yang berpikir, nanti saja, kalau sudah menjelang tua baru memperbaiki ibadah kepada Allah serta yang lainnya. Biasanya orang menunda amal kebaikan karena lebih mengutamakan duniawi dan tidak mementingkan akhirat.
Contohnya, karena kesibukan segala aktifitas urusan dunia, seseorang jadi sering menunda-nunda kewajiban amal ibadah atau amal kebaikan.

Dari Ibnu ‘Abbas, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

اِغْتَنِمْ خَمْسًا قَبْلَ خَمْسٍ : شَبَابَكَ قَبْلَ هَرَمِكَ وَ صِحَّتَكَ قَبْلَ سَقَمِكَ وَ غِنَاكَ قَبْلَ فَقْرِكَ وَ فَرَاغَكَ قَبْلَ شَغْلِكَ وَ حَيَاتَكَ قَبْلَ مَوْتِكَ

“Manfaatkan lima perkara sebelum lima perkara: [1] Waktu mudamu sebelum datang waktu tuamu, [2] Waktu sehatmu sebelum datang waktu sakitmu, [3] Masa kayamu sebelum datang masa kefakiranmu, [4] Masa luangmu sebelum datang masa sibukmu, [5] Hidupmu sebelum datang kematianmu.” (HR. Al Hakim dalam Al Mustadroknya, dikatakan oleh Adz Dzahabiy dalam At Talkhish berdasarkan syarat Bukhari-Muslim. Hadits ini dikatakan shohih oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Al Jami’ Ash Shogir)

Oleh Karena itu, sebelum terlambat, sebelum ajal menjemput kita, alangkah baiknya kita memanfaatkan waktu yang tersisa dari umur kita ini untuk hal-hal yang bermanfaat bagi dunia dan akhirat. Marilah kita perbanyak berbuat kebaikan, jangan menunda-nunda amal kebaikan, karena belum tentu besok kita masih punya waktu untuk melaksanakannya. Kita tidak pernah tahu kapan ajal datang menjemput kita. Dan alangkah sangat menyesalnya, apabila dalam hidup kita yang singkat ini, lebih banyak kita lewati dengan melakukan hal-hal yang akan kita sesali di akhirat kelak. Karena waktu yang sudah lewat, tidak akan pernah bisa kembali lagi.

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Monday, 7 December 2009

How to Be Happy in Life - The 9 Paths to Happiness

Sometimes it appears that life throws more obstacles in our path than we can handle. However, even in the face of the most challenging circumstances, you can make the choice to be happy by following these 9 paths to happiness.

1. Honor Yourself: Remember what the flight attendant says, "Put your own oxygen mask on first." You are of no use to anyone else if you have not taken care of your own needs first - this includes your own emotional, as well as physical, well-being.

2. Forgive Everyone For Everything: Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. YOU created the stress in your life by getting angry, and YOU can instantly remove that stress by granting forgiveness. Expressing your forgiveness to the other is optional - internalizing that forgiveness is required in order to live a joyful life. Don't forget to also forgive yourself for everything you regret ever having done or not done.

3. Have Gratitude For All Of Life: As with forgiveness, gratitude is a gift to yourself. Saying "thank you" is a powerful way to create great relationships, but the real power of gratitude is internalizing an immense thankfulness for your very existence - everything that has ever occurred or failed to occur in your life.

4. Respect Your Mind: Faith is powerful, but it is no substitute for observing, paying attention, weighing alternatives, and choosing with intention. Without conscious choice, there is no freedom or happiness.

5. Design Your Future: Don't be a passive tumbleweed blown by the winds of life. Envision the future you want, and then take action to create that future. Often, you will fail. Plan again and take action again.

6. Begin Today, and Never Give Up: There is no better time to begin than today - each and every "today." When obstacles stop you, think of new ways to reach your goals. In the words of the Oriental proverb, "Fall seven times, stand up eight."

7. Be Of Service To Others By Radiating Happiness: Being of service is one of the greatest paths to happiness, but remember that your greatest service to others is the person that you are, rather than the tasks you accomplish. Your greatest gift to others is to give them happiness, and by far the most powerful way to do that is to be an example of happiness and to radiate that happiness to others.

8. Dance Lightly With Life: Life does not have to be a serious undertaking. You will make mistakes, you will feel regrets, and eventually, you will die - so what? Happiness comes from dancing lightly with life - playing hopscotch on the river of life - leaping gracefully from joy to joy while laughing at the threats of calamity - even laughing hysterically at our human frailness when we do fall into the muddy torrent.

9. Know Unity With Spirit: There are as many ways to connect with Spirit as there are people - each of us has our own way to receive strength and serenity from the Infinite. Your life will be happier if you acknowledge that you are not alone, become open to that presence, and create ritual to celebrate your connection. You may feel your bond with Spirit at the Lord's Supper, in Songs of Praise, in Calls to Prayer, in Meditation, while doing Yoga or Qigong, or while walking in the woods. However you connect with Spirit, do it today.

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Sunday, 21 June 2009

Berbisnis Jual Beli Mata Uang Asing,Perlukah ?

"Perlu enggak sih kita membeli dolar?"

Pertanyaan ini sebetulnya mencerminkan kebiasaan orang kita yang selalu dilakukan dari dulu sampai sekarang, yaitu membeli mata uang asing. Memang, kalau selama ini kita mengenal rupiah sebagai mata uang utama untuk menabung. Tapi tetap saja orang menoleh ke mata uang asing sebagai alternatif untuk bisa dibeli dan ditabung. Dan dolar, adalah salah satu mata uang yang paling sering dijadikan pilihan. Dalam hal ini, tentu saja dolar Amerika.

Menariknya, alasan orang membeli dolar bermacam-macam. Salah satunya, katanya, nilai uang kita turun terus. Sehingga kalau bisa, kita jangan terus pegang rupiah. Benarkah alasan ini? Tunggu dulu Bapak-Ibu. Yang dimaksud nilai uang kita turun terus mungkin adalah harga barang dan jasa di Indonesia terus mengalami kenaikan. Contohnya, kalau dulu harga barang Rp 10 ribu, sekarang mungkin Rp 12 ribu, dan tahun jadi Rp 15 ribu.

Dari segi kenaikan harga barang memang betul. Tapi, kan, nilai dolar belum tentu juga naik terus? Kalau dulu harga dolar pernah Rp 2.500, lalu naik jadi Rp 5.000, 7.000, 9.000, bahkan pernah sampai Rp 15.000, itu kan karena ada krisis? Belum tentu krisis akan ada lagi. Sekarang, harga dolar malah turun lagi jadi sekitar Rp 9.000. Jadi, jangan beli dolar hanya karena takut harga barang di Indonesia naik terus. Tapi, belilah dolar untuk berjaga-jaga kalau ada apa-apa.

Masih bingung? Begini, kalau Anda perhatikan, harga dolar di Indonesia menganut sistem mengambang bebas. Artinya, harga dolar betul-betul "diserahkan" kepada tawar-menawar di pasar. Kalau yang mau beli dolar lebih banyak, biasanya harganya akan naik. Tapi kalau yang mau beli dolar lebih sedikit daripada yang ingin menjualnya, bisa-bisa harga dolar turun.

Biasanya, keinginan membeli dolar akan lebih banyak muncul, salah satunya, kalau suhu politik mulai memanas. Contohnya, sebentar lagi mau Pemilu. Biasanya, setiap kali menjelang pemilu, suhu politik kita akan naik. Nah, di sinilah orang mulai banyak membeli dolar karena alasan keamanan. Artinya, mereka merasa bahwa keadaan di Indonesia mulai enggak aman. Lalu, mulailah mereka memborong dolar. Akibatnya, harga dolar naik.

Sebaliknya, kalau keadaan negara stabil, adem-ayem, tentram, dan damai, biasanya harga dolar juga akan stabil. Malah cenderung turun. Maklum, keadaan yang tenang membuat orang percaya dengan rupiah, sehingga lebih sedikit orang yang beli dolar. Jadilah harga dolar turun.

Sekarang apakah Anda sebaiknya membeli dolar? Kalau untuk jaga-jaga, silakan saja. Karena situasi negara kita saat ini pun belum bisa dibilang sudah betul-betul aman dan stabil. Ledakan bom di Bali kemarin, misalnya. Yang perlu diingat, jangan masukkan semua uang Anda dalam dolar. Setengahnya saja sudah cukup.

Nah, kalau Anda mau beli dolar, di bawah ini ada sejumlah hal yang harus Anda perhatikan agar Anda tidak malah tergelincir.

1. Belilah dolar di pedagang yang resmi

Salah satu hal yang paling ditakutkan orang ketika membeli dolar adalah mendapatkan uang dolar palsu. Nah, salah satu cara menghindari kemungkinan tersebut adalah dengan membelinya ke penjual resmi, seperti bank atau money changer.

Memang, bank atau money changer sekalipun bisa saja menjual dolar palsu kepada Anda. Tapi tentu mereka punya kepentingan supaya Anda mau selalu balik ke tempat mereka dan jadi pelanggan. Artinya, mereka juga menjaga reputasi. Kalau sampai satu pelanggan kecewa lalu nama mereka masuk ke dalam Surat Pembaca di koran? Wah, bisa jadi iklan buruk buat mereka.

Sekarang, bandingkan dengan penjual dolar perorangan dan tidak resmi yang umumnya tidak punya reputasi yang sudah dibangun sehingga biasanya juga tidak memiliki kepentingan untuk menjaga reputasinya.

2. Jangan pernah lama-lama memegang uang dolar kertas

Kenapa demikian? Karena perubahan fisik sedikit saja pada uang dolar Anda bisa membuatnya dihargai lebih rendah dari yang seharusnya. Pernah suatu hari saya dan istri saya mendapatkan dolar Amerika kertas dari seorang teman. Jumlahnya 200 dolar. Kami mendapatkannya dalam empat lembaran 50 dolar. Kursnya waktu itu sekitar Rp 9.100 per dolarnya. Ketika hendak menjual ke money changer, ada selembar yang fisiknya agak kuning. Langsung saja staf di sana mengatakan dia tidak mau membeli dolar saya seharga Rp 9.100, melainkan harus dipotong Rp 50.

Ini berarti, untuk satu lembar 50 dolar itu, saya rugi Rp 50 per dolarnya. Saya pikir, untunglah cuma selembar saja yang bentuk fisiknya kuning. Kalau semuanya, wah... Jadi, sekali lagi, jangan terlalu lama menahan uang kertas dolar. Lebih baik selekasnya Anda simpan di safe deposit box, atau setorkan saja ke bank.

Memang saat kita setor terkadang biaya selisih kursnya merugikan Anda. Tapi saya pikir, kerugian karena selisih kurs masih lebih mendinglah daripada kerugian akibat peribahan fisik dolar. Lama-lama, bisa-bisa uang dolar Anda malah tidak dihargai sama sekali kalau bentuk fisiknya betul-betul rusak. Kalau disetor ke bank, uang dolar Anda akan tercatat di sistem akuntansi mereka, bukan dalam bentuk fisik. Selain itu, juga dapat bunga. Lumayan, kan?

3. Ketahui arti istilah Kurs Beli dan Kurs Jual

Banyak dari kita yang masih salah mengartikan (atau sering tertukar pada arti) kurs beli dan kurs jual pada tempat jual beli dolar. Oke, andaikan saja Anda datang ke bank. Kemudian di situ terdapat tulisan kurs beli sebesar Rp 9.000 dan kurs jual Rp 9100. Pertanyaannya sekarang, kalau Anda ingin membeli dolar, pada harga berapa Anda akan membeli dolar tersebut?

Jawabannya adalah pada kurs jual. Artinya, kurs jual adalah kurs di mana bank bersedia menjual dolarnya. Sebaliknya, kurs beli adalah kurs di mana bank bersedia membeli dolar yang Anda punya. Anda harus selalu melihat dan mengartikan besarnya kurs dari sisi mereka, bukan dari sisi Anda. Bukan sebaliknya.


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How To Monetize Your Blog

  • Posting Regular Content Updates

Your blog site must never be stagnant. Whether or not you get any feedback, it would be best to write something new on a weekly or even on a daily basis. Your readers will lose interest in visiting your blog site if they do not see any updates.

  • Pinging Your Blog

Pinging your blog is important because it ensures that blog directories as well as search engines will be alerted each time you update your blog. This will help you get the attention of more blog readers. Pingomatic and Pingoat are some of the available sites that supply this kind of service at no cost.

  • Promoting Your Blog
Apart from pinging your blog, you need to pursue other internet marketing efforts to let your target market know that you exist and that you are a valuable source of information. As soon as you gain a steady flow of targeted traffic to your blog, you have the potential to make money out of it.

  • Making Space for Advertisements
Advertising would be the primary means for you to make money out of your blog. As long as you have a good number of loyal followers and you maintain a steady flow of traffic, you have much to gain from publishing pay-per-click advertisements or even directly selling some space to advertisers.

  • Promote Affiliate Marketing Programs
This can be a very valuable means to leverage on your readership. Join affiliate marketing programs with products that your target market may be interested in. You can then use your blog to promote those products and earn commissions.

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Researching Internet marketing online

is one missionary travel method which can be used for learning more about this topic missionary trips. This type of research can be very informative and can provide the business owner partner with a great deal of advice and other information services earn money. However, it can also provide the business owner with a great deal of misinformation. When researching any subject online it is very important to note that not all of the information available online is wholesale jewelry accurate LinkWords and link popularity. This may be due make money to a variety of factors including market online content which is written by those who do not have a great deal of knowledge about the subject matter as well as content which was written years ago and is outdated nautical jewelry. This can be frustrating but fortunately business owners can still learn from the Internet text ads. This just means they should be more cautious about accepting information as being accurate and may wish to verify the information missions trips they obtain before implementing dallas family law an Internet marketing strategy text link or ads text and links text ad.

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Right Business Credit Card

If you’re a business owner, it is strongly recommended to get a credit card that is especially designed for business. Start by finding a business credit card that matches your business’s spending style and needs. Here is a checklist that should help you pick out the right credit card for your business:

Choose a credit card that reports to the business credit bureaus. Before applying for a credit card, make sure that you have registered your company with major credit bureaus like Dun & Bradstreet or Experian. Next, make sure that your credit card company will report your monthly payment to the business credit bureaus. Take note that personal credit reporting agencies works separately from business credit bureaus. Also, bear in mind that this is the only way that you can build up your credit history.

Compare different credit cards and find the one with the best deal. Not all business credit cards in the market are the same. Some have greater offers while others may offer less. The only way you can compare accurately is to check the complete Terms & Conditions of the credit cards you’re considering. Remember that the ads won’t tell you everything. It is up to you to examine the real deal that the credit card offers.

Consider your payment habits. How do you intend to pay off your credit card charges? It’s best to pay off your monthly balances in full to avoid the extra interest rate and late penalty charges. However, you’ll still want to get a card with a low APR just in case you need carry over your balance for the month. Also, consider getting a card with no annual fees and reasonable late penalty charges.

Don’t submit many credit card applications at once. Only submit an application to the credit card company that you seriously want to get. Why is this important? Each time you submit a credit card application, the credit card company would check on your credit report. Too many inquiries in your report will only hurt your credit score especially if your application gets denied. Add to this, don’t forget to check your credit rating first and see if you’re qualified to apply for the business credit card you want.

Choose a credit card with the best features. Don’t forget to choose a business credit card that offers important features such as the no liability protection for unauthorized charges, emergency card replacement, travel insurance, online account access, year-end account report, downloadable account reports, free supplementary cards for your employees, extended warranty and purchase protection, and a reliable customer service.

By: Pamela Williams

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Advertising Methods For Your Online Business

Selecting the zero or low-cost advertising methods is advisable, especially if you are a beginner. This is because in the case of the internet, low cost or zero cost products and offerings attract the most traffic as compared to those that you have to pay for. Sites like Facebook and Twitter, Squidoo, Myspace, Youtube, Craigslist and Ustream call for no expense on the part of the user and can be far more effective in roping in traffic than sites like Zango.

If you feel that you do not have enough time to manage social networking and work the social mediums like Twitter and Facebook to secure more traffic, then you can sign up with network marketing systems like CarbonCopyPRO that will do all your marketing for you, using such advertisement mediums.

Facebook and Twitter are by far the most successful online advertising mediums that you can use. Even businesses that have been largely successful for many years still resort to these mediums for advertising.

If you are an online business entrepreneur, it is imperative that you create a web presence for yourself or advertise your product on these social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Youtube, Craigslist and Ustream. After you have becomes successful, you can then opt for low cost and then perhaps later high cost advertising mediums.

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five business mistakes

Dread and Panic
Don’t panic, because if you do you will make more mistakes. Panicking will only aggravate the situation by leading you towards the other mistakes on this list. Turn off your TV and radio. Stop listening to news once in a while. The constant doom and gloom coming from the talking heads will fog your mind and you may deviate from the road to your success. Turning your business into ‘safe mode’ out of fear will not yield you fruitful results. Instead of panicking identify your weaknesses, learn from your mistakes and adapt to the changes which will help you to overcome these turbulent times.

Fire Talent
Salaries are obvious expenses. With the demand for your products and services may be declining, dismissing employees may seem inevitable. Are they really? Trained employees are an asset to the company and if you fire them, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to get them back when your business picks up. Talent is the most important driving force of innovation. Though, cutting back on people, especially really smart, high-priced people, is a quick way to cut costs, however, in the long run it may cause irreparable damage. Hence, do everything you can to retain your pool of talented, enthusiastic workers.

Cost Cutting
Cutting expenses and lowering prices are necessary. However, decreasing prices to increase sales during recession is a bad idea. Discounts and sales to some extent are acceptable but slashing prices as a selling strategy will harm your business in the long run. It depreciates your product or services. Discounts will increase sales for a period of time but they’ll flatten again and you will be in a vicious cycle of constantly lowering your prices to chase those sales.
Never crop your marketing budget. If you want to generate business, you have to market. In fact, now is the best time to advertise to your business. Thus, review your marketing plans to make sure it’s effective. Economizing on technology could be equally devastating. To survive in today’s competitive market, keep yourself visible online. Moreover, innovation and technology are proportional. Thus minimizing technology will minimize your chance to innovate.

Change Suppliers & Vendors
Building a good rapport is very important in business, even with suppliers and vendors. It takes time to build a good relationship, throwing away that relationship in bad times to save few bucks is not a good idea. Never get enticed away the cheaper rates of other vendors which might result in compromise on the quality of supplies and services. Also judge the reliability of the supplier before buying their product. Even if everything seems ‘okay’, talk to your current supplier before abandoning them; they might compete.

Build Wall Instead of Bridge
Companies quit globalization. Emerging markets are sources of generation new revenue and acquiring talent. Thus spend few extra bucks and expand globally. Now is the time to build bridges and reach out to others. Building walled castles and retreating into it will not help.
Successfully driving your business through a down economy is not a child’s play. You have to be extra careful to avoid making basic mistakes and take advantage of the present scenario to strengthen your business. Winners always emerge out of recessions unscathed!

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Being Too Serious Can Ruin Your Success

Are you having fun? Do you get a thrill from your work? Do you enjoy waking up each morning??????

Myths about working can hurt your progress. "Work is not supposed to be fun." "You must buckle down and get serious."

Perhaps the biggest myth of all: "People will think I’m important if I act seriously." Yet getting serious creates problems: stress, worry, anxiety, emotional pain, drudgery and failure.

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What is the Key to Success????

Success is everybody’s dream. But what is the key to success? How can you be successful? In my post about defining successful people, I wrote that we should measure success based on how much we give rather than how much we receive. Fortunately, it also works nicely the other way around since those who give more almost always will also receive more.

Based on that, you can see that the more value you give to others, the more successful you will be. So how do you pave your way to success? How do you become more successful? The answer is amazingly simple. Here it is:

The key to success is making yourself as useful as possible to others.

That’s it. Making yourself as useful as possible to others.

If you focus on applying this, others will realize the value they get from you and they will attract more people to come to you. These new people will also realize the value they get from you and they will attract even more people to come to you. The virtuous cycle begins and you are now on your way to success.

With this principle in mind, you should aim at increasing your usefulness to others. How do you do that? Here are some ideas:

  1. Be observant of needs
    To be useful to others, you should always be aware of even the slightest clues of needs. The more sensitive you are to the needs of others, the more appreciative people will eventually become. The best scenario is being able to anticipate a need before the other people are even aware of it.
  2. Find solutions to the needs
    Now that you are aware of needs, the next step is finding solutions to them. The solutions you offer should be as useful as possible. To be able to do so, there is no other way but to continuously build your own value. It is from the value you have that you could give value to others.
  3. Be proactive to help
    Do not wait for the other person to ask for your help. Be proactive. Give your help even before they ask.
  4. Be sincere
    What matters is not only the solution you offer, but also the way you deliver it. Being sincere means being glad to help others without expecting anything in return. Make it your joy to give something to others. People can somehow distinguish whether or not you are sincere.
  5. Go the extra mile
    Doing the above four steps is good, but add this one if you can: give more than expected. First, give what is expected, and then add a little more. If you do the above four steps people will be appreciative, but if you add this one step they will be impressed.

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Friday, 19 June 2009

Produksi Sayur Organik

Rata Penuh

fotonya saya ambil dari google

1. Executive Summary
1.1. Objectives
Perusahan ini kami beri nama Puting Beliung, perusahaan kami memproduksi sayur organik bertujuan untuk meningkatkan memproduksi sayur-sayur organik secara eksklusif dan lebih khusus dalam teknologi pertanian. saat ini telah kita ketahui banyak petani kita sangat ketergantungan pada pupuk dan pestisida dari bahan kimia, dengan harapan hasil produksi sangat memuaskan akan tetapi mereka tidak tahu efek dari pupuk dan pestisida tersebut sangat buruk sekali bagi diri kita serta lingkungan kita. puting beliung akan memproduksi sayur organik dengan bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar dan kesehatan masyarakat.

1.2. Mission
Visi Puting Beliung (PB) adalah untuk menggunakan pendekatan teknologi terkini di dalam sektor pertanian dan seterusnya mampu membimbing petani lain dalam memanfaatkan bahan organik untuk budidaya pertanian.

Misi PB adalah untuk menciptakan produk yang berkualitas, dan kepuasan pelangan adalah kesuksesan kami

1.3. Keys to Success
Hampir setiap usaha memiliki kunci sukses yang membuat perbedaan antara keberhasilan dan kegagalan. Hal ini tergantung pada siapa anda dan apa produk yang ditawarkan.

di Puting Beliung sendiri mempunyai kunci sukses diantaranya:
memang sudah sering anda sekalian dengar kata sapu lidi, kami mengambil contoh didalam perusahaan harus ada kekompakan serta kerja sama yang baik untuk memajukan suatu perusahaan.

2. Company Summary
PB memproduksi sayur-sayur organik, kami akan mendirikan perusahaan ini di INHIL Riau, karna disana lahannya luas serta lingkungannya belum begitu tercemar jadi sangat mudah untuk menciptakan lahan untuk sayur organik. disamping itu trasnportasi juga sangat mendukung karena lokasi lahan tersebut di pingir sungai dan sangat mudah juga tranportasi jalan darat.

2.1. Company Ownership
Perusahan puting beliung ini akan dirikan samsiyar serta beberapa rekan investor yang berminat dengan usaha ini.

2.2. Start-up Summary
Biaya yang harus di keluarkan pertama mendirikan perusahaan Puting Beliung (PB) sekitar Rp.100.000.000 biaya ini semua akan di beli diantaranya untuk perlengkapan kantor, gaji kariyawan serta biaya produksi dan lain-lain.

2.3. Company Locations and Facilities
Lokasi Perusahaan Puting Beliung sangat strategis, kami sengaja mendirikan kantor di tengah masyarakat serta lahan 7 Ha milik pribadi yang akan digunakan untuk membuka usaha tersebut.

3. Products
3.1. Product Description
Deskripsi Produk
Puting Beliung melakukan pemasaran di masyarakat sekitar sebagai promosi untuk pertama, target PB akan men-gexpor keluar negeri

3.2. Technology
Perusahan kami mengunakan alat yang sangat sederhana, kemudian kami juga akan mempermosi lewat website, dan alat elektronik lainnya.

Ini hanya sebagian kecil gambaran usaha yang akan kami laksanakan dalam waktu dekat ini, dan mohon maaf pada teman sengaja tidak kami posting secara keseluruhan guna untuk menjaga kerahasian..

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Thursday, 18 June 2009

Turmeric to Cosmetics

Turmeric is currently used in the formulation of some sunscreens. Turmeric paste is used by some Indian women to keep them free of superfluous hair. Turmeric paste is applied to bride and groom before marriage in some places of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, where it is believed turmeric gives glow to skin and keeps some harmful bacteria away from the body.

The government of Thailand is funding a project to extract and isolate tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THC) from turmeric. THCs (not to be confused with tetrahydrocannabinol, which is also known as THC) are colorless compounds that might have antioxidant and skin-lightening properties and might be used to treat skin inflammations, making these compounds useful in cosmetics formulations.

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Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Daftarkanlah segera Situs/Blog pribadi Anda (Blogspot, wordpress, dll), dengan cara mengklik Tiket dibawah ini,

gratis-100% FREE

Alnect computer Blog Contest

caranya :

1. Buat Review tentang produk-produk yang telah tersedia di Toko online kami, Alnect Webstore di blog anda
2. Baca syarat dan ketentuan berlaku
3. Daftar dan submit blog anda disini
4. Tempel Tiket di halaman blog review anda
5. Submit URL anda sehingga dapat memberitahu kami dimana anda meletakkan halaman review anda
6. Lihat contoh panduan review, penempelan tiket di blog di sini

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Netbook keluaran advan dengan mengusung performa dari prosesor Atom keluaran Intel berasitektur 45nm . Lebih hemat daya dalam penggunaan baterainya. Performa yang cukup baik ditunjukkan netbook ini. Dengan berat hanya 1,2Kg netbook ini cukup mudah dibawa kemanapun Anda menginginkannya.

Kodak EasyShare ZD710 ini tergolong kamera yang memiliki fitur istimewa dan lengkap karena tergolong kamera semi profesional. Sekilas, kamera ini malah tampak seperti kamera DSLR ketimbang kamera compact. Keuntungan kamera ini juga terlihat dari bodi yang sebagian terbungkus grip sehingga nyaman saat digenggam tangan. fungsi yang menarik adalah dapat mengabungkan 2-3 foto dalam panorama left-right

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Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The phytoplasma disease 'mung bean phyllody' is now present in Pakistan

Mung bean is an important source of food for humans and animals in tropical and subtropical countries, and is also used for green manure. During spring 2008, mung bean plants in Faisalabad, Pakistan, showed severe symptoms of phyllody, virescence and a bushy appearance (Figs. 1-3). Stem, leaf and stalk phloem sections from plants with and without symptoms were examined under a light microscope (CXRII, Labomed, CA, USA) using Dienes’ stain. Regularly distributed dark blue areas were observed only in the phloem cells from the symptomatic plants, and not in other plant tissues nor in the phloem of healthy plants, indicating the presence of a phytoplasma. Four week-old greenhouse-potted mung bean plants were grafted, and developed phyllody symptoms 25-30 days after grafting, similar to those observed in the field, whilst no symptoms developed in non-grafted control plants.

To determine the 16Sr group of the phytoplasma associated with mung bean phyllody, total DNA was extracted from eight symptom-bearing plants, and amplified by nested PCR using universal 16S rDNA phytoplasma primers, P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. No symptomless plants were tested. All samples from plants with symptoms yielded a 1250bp PCR product, and identical RFLP profiles using the enzymes AluI and HpaII. Direct sequencing of the 16S rDNA of one representative PCR amplicon (GenBank Accession No. FJ410489) showed highest sequence identity (99 %) with 16SrII ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ phytoplasmas, and phylogenetic analysis placed the phytoplasma in subgroup 16SrII-D.

Phyllody symptoms of mung bean have been reported previously in India (Lakshmanan et al., 1988), Thailand (Chatchawankanphanich et al., 2000), and Australia (Wilson et al., 2001). In Australia, a 16SrII phytoplasma was associated with mung bean phyllody, and with sesame and peanut diseases (Wilson et al., 2001). Results confirm that a 16SrII-D phytoplasma is now present in mung bean in Pakistan.


Figure 1: Symptoms of phyllody (left) and virescence (right) in mung bean plants, compared to the healthy flower (centre)


Figure 2: Severe virescence symptoms in mung bean plants


Figure 3: Severe phyllody symptoms (leafy petals) and little leaves in mung bean plants


Chatchawankanphanich O, Kladpan S, Pipatthanvong N, Kittipakorn K, Srithongchai W, 2000. Occurrence of non-infectious phyllody disease of strawberry in Thailand. Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science) 34, 458-463.

Lakshmanan P, Rabindran R, Pilliarsamy K, Mohan S, 1988. Phyllody, a new disease of green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) in Tamil Nadu. Current Science 57, 809-810.

Wilson D, Blanche KR, Gibb KS, 2001. Phytoplasmas and disease symptoms of crops and weeds in the semi-arid tropics of the Northern Territory, Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 30, 159-163.

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Monday, 8 June 2009

"Junk" DNA Proves to be Highly Valuable

What was once thought of as DNA with zero value in plants--dubbed "junk" DNA--may turn out to be key in helping scientists improve the control of gene expression in transgenic crops.

That's according to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant pathologist Bret Cooper at the agency's Soybean Genomics and Improvement Laboratory in Beltsville, Md., and collaborators at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md.

For more than 30 years, scientists have been perplexed by the workings of intergenic DNA, which is located between genes. Scientists have since found that, among other functions, some intergenic DNA plays a physical role in protecting and linking chromosomes. But after subtracting intergenic DNA, there was still leftover or "junk" DNA which seemed to have no purpose.

Cooper and collaborators investigated "junk" DNA in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, using a computer program to find short segments of DNA that appeared as molecular patterns. When comparing these patterns to genes, Cooper's team found that 50 percent of the genes had the exact same sequences as the molecular patterns. This discovery showed a sequence pattern link between "junk" and coding DNA. These linked patterns are called pyknons, which Cooper and his team believe might be evidence of something important that drives genome expansion in plants.

The researchers found that pyknons are also the same in sequence and size as small segments of RNA that regulate gene expression through a method known as gene silencing. This evidence suggests that these RNA segments are converted back into DNA and are integrated into the intergenic space. Over time, these sequences repeatedly accumulate. Prior to this discovery, pyknons were only known to exist in the human genome. Thus, this discovery in plants illustrates that the link between coding DNA and junk DNA crosses higher orders of biology and suggests a universal genetic mechanism at play that is not yet fully understood.

The data suggest that scientists might be able to use this information to determine which genes are regulated by gene silencing, and that there may be some application for the improvement of transgenic plants by using the pyknon information.

This research was published online as an advance article on the Molecular BioSystems website, and will be published later this year in a special issue of Computational Systems Biology.

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Pest Control

Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, usually because it is perceived to be detrimental to a person's health, the ecology or the economy.

Pest control is at least as old as agriculture, as there has always been a need to keep crops free from pests. In order to maximize food production, it is advantageous to protect crops from competing species of plants, as well as from herbivores competing with humans.

The conventional approach was probably the first to be employed, since it is comparatively easy to destroy weeds by burning them or plowing them under, and to kill larger competing herbivores, such as crows and other birds eating seeds. Techniques such as crop rotation, companion planting (also known as intercropping or mixed cropping), and the selective breeding of pest-resistant cultivars have a long history.

Many pests have only become a problem because of the direct actions of humans. Modifying these actions can often substantially reduce the pest problem. In the USA, raccoons caused a nuisance by tearing open refuse sacks. Many householders introduced bins with locking lids, which deterred the raccoons from visiting. House flies tend to accumulate wherever there is human activity and is virtually a global phenomenon, especially where food or food waste is exposed. Similarly, seagulls have become pests at many seaside resorts. Tourists would often feed the birds with scraps of fish and chips, and before long, the birds would become dependent on this food source and act aggressively towards humans.

In the UK, following concern about animal welfare, humane pest control and deterrence is gaining ground through the use of animal psychology rather than destruction. For instance, with the urban Red Fox which territorial behaviour is used against the animal, usually in conjunction with non-injurious chemical repellents.

Chemical pesticides date back 4,500 years, when the Sumerians used sulfur compounds as insecticides. The Rig Veda, which is about 4,000 years old, also mentions the use of poisonous plants for pest control. Ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures are known to have used chemical pest controls[citation needed]. But it was only with the industrialization and mechanization of agriculture in the 18th and 19th century, and the introduction of the insecticides pyrethrum and derris that chemical pest control became widespread. In the 20th century, the discovery of several synthetic insecticides, such as DDT, and herbicides boosted this development. Chemical pest control is still the predominant type of pest control today, although its long-term effects led to a renewed interest in traditional and biological pest control towards the end of the 20th century.

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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